The Love Shack

The Love Shack

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Slow Start

So far this week I have gone through the Forgotten Land and Lambton, having a peek at the boxes.  These two areas are closest to home so it would be terrible if I didn't get to them by now.

Four pairs of tree swallows are setting up in the Forgotten Land.  Actually two have 6 eggs each and the other two nests are in development.  My most reliable box has swallows in it again.  I'd like to believe it is the same pair.  Do I say this every year?

Don't they just build the prettiest nests?

Over in Lambton, I've got two pairs of swallows working on nests.  This is par with past years (I keep hoping to break this record).  I'm not thrilled that the city did a big clearing in part of the area and exposed one of the boxes that is being used by birds.  Some jackass decided to vandalize it with his/her art work.  How is this even cool?

I will have to hope that whoever got their kicks and won't bother the box again.  Since the birds are already setting up shop, I will leave the box be and move it in the fall.

A plus note is that a pair of black-capped chickadees claimed one of the other boxes and has 6 eggs within as of last week.  Hoping they have a safe and successful nest.

I will revisit both these sites in a couple weeks just to confirm egg counts and make sure all is still well.

Angie and I aim to visit the creek this coming long weekend.  Then for me, Area One, sometime next week.

Is anyone out there reading this?  Just curious.


  1. Always reading. :) I have Tree Swallows building in one of my birdhouses that I watch from my kitchen window. Good luck yours and pppfffffttttt to whomever decided to decorate!

  2. reading from afar.
