The Love Shack

The Love Shack

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Two More Nests!

A couple recent outings had me discover two more Tree Swallow nests now under construction. That makes for a total of 23 as of today. There's still a few empty boxes in each area and it makes me wonder if we will have another surprise or two in the coming days?

One is in Lambton. I watched the female steadily bringing grass into the box while the male sat atop a nearby tree stump. This box had a nest in 2018 with 5 eggs, all hatched, but only 3 fledged (one newborn was found dead as well as one near ready to take it's first flight). I wonder if this is the same pair back again?

When Angie and I went for our usual Sunday morning walk, I spotted activity at another box. The female was also going in and out of this box.

Box these boxes I let be for the time. The birds are busy and I do not want to disturb them.

It's been a really cool damp spring which may explain these delayed nests. Usually they are rather in sync with each other but not this year. I will be seeing young birds in boxes until August this year for sure!

We passed Patty's house on our way out. The male was "posing for the camera" while the female stayed inside.

I'm really hoping to get to Area One for another round and try to get an actual egg count. It needs to warm up. I'd expect adults to be sitting on those eggs with these chilly mornings. We awoke to a cool 6 Celsius on Monday. Today it's raining and 14. The furnace just kicked on here at home.

With this cool weather, it concerns me on nest successes, for the earlier nests anyway. Will the parents be able to find enough insects to feed their young as well as themselves?


  1. This is such good fun. We have insects to spare, here!

    1. I hate that I never get notifications of comments to this blog. Sorry Jenn. We could have used those insects when the birds were starting up here. It was not a kind spring at all.
