The Love Shack

The Love Shack

Sunday, July 11, 2021

The Creek - Part One

I visited the creek on Friday.  It was a cooler morning, a tad rainy early on, and I was dressed head to toe in rain pants and jacket, figuring this material would be a great way to keep any ticks off me since the material is slick.  I had boots on, long socks with my pants tucked in.  Yep, I was all prepared to go check these boxes.

I hit the one stretch, which is four boxes lined up, that Angie has nicknamed after the houses in Harry Potter.  Cute to some.  Silly to others.  But it's helped as easily as numbering them.  I should add that I have only once seen the Harry Potter movies; but Angie is a HUGE fan.  Anyway, to my surprise (and slight disappointment) all the nest boxes (3 of the 4) were still very active.  Damn!  I felt like I just hit a wall on my quest to tackle the boxes.

I drove over to the other end and the boxes were quiet.  I checked the three in this area and all were done.

The first box is along the main road.  I parked in the right lane, put my 4 ways on and ran up to the box for a look inside.  All gone.  No eggs.  No bodies.  Total success.  No time for a photo because of where I was parked.

Now off to the other two boxes and there is a place to park, safely off the road.  It's a work day so I am trying to cut time where I can, hence not doing as much walking.  

First box...

 I wonder what is inside? 

Out comes the nest.  Hmmm?

One egg that did not hatch.

A short walk to the next box and I see something in there...

Aw man, one who did not make it.

I hate the subtraction at the end of the season.  I wish they all would make it but that is nature, right?

Tree swallows flew about the field as I left.  No doubt the families from these two boxes.  "Good luck little ones" was my silent wish as I made my way back to the car.

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