A few weeks back I visited Area One. We had a few brutally hot and humid days prior and finally a cooler but wet morning presented itself so off I went. Big mistake. The mosquitoes were absolutely horrific! I borrowed this image from Google but it was this bad.
They were everywhere, in the woods that I cut through from one area to another (I expected that); but the open meadows were just full of them too. Thankfully I was covered head to toe except my hands and my face but eventually I put a mask on to give me some more cover. I swear I have never experienced so many mosquitoes like that in my travels anywhere, in all of my life. I guess the good thing is that this is a healthy food supply for the birds nesting here.
I almost gave up checking the boxes but trudged on.
I left my camera at home so I only took a few photos of some nests. I regretted not bringing the camera as I chanced upon 2 coyotes, together, about 20 feet from me. A large gray one and a slightly smaller auburn one. Figures, eh. I also pretty much walked right into the back end of a white-tailed deer.
So, here is what I ended up with from my nest box checks...
11 tree swallow nests well on the way, either full of eggs or hatching birds that morning and a few had young varying from days old to a couple weeks. Crazy how that seems to have just happened. It felt like this long lull of no birds and then BOOM! There was 2 potential nests on the go, lots of grass and a few feathers within but without confirmed eggs, we sit at 11. I aim to go back and check them very soon. The peregrine falcon fledge watches have delayed me visiting again.
I apologize for this kinda rushed, scattered blog, but hey at least I have good reason, right?
If I am to share at least one photo from the box checks in Area One, it would have to be what was happening in Wood Duck Alfie's box. Momma tree swallow there with young hatching that morning.
In total through the 11 nests, there was 60 eggs and young.
I should add that I found 6 house wren nests and can confirm 3 were active. I suspect the other 3 were just dummy nests.
Again, I apologize for the lack of blogging here. For one, I know I don't need to check the nests as often as I did the first couple years. Taking less photos doesn't help me create a very exciting blog either. I know the few who actually follow this are okay with this, just knowing how things are going, and what the results are at the end of the season is all that matters.
Lastly, I visited Lambton again the same week as I hit Area One. I confirmed the second nest and 6 eggs within.
As of now, that's 25 tree swallow nests and 132 eggs. If I have a couple more to add, we've got a record breaking year.
Stay tuned...