The Love Shack

The Love Shack

Thursday, February 21, 2019


Here we are going into the last week of February and all I can say is I have been itching to get somethings going with the nest box trails. Yes there's still lots of snow and ice out there, but March is around the corner, and the birds will be coming back before we know it.

A friend gave me a couple old nest boxes to fix up and put out wherever I wanted.

I re-enforced the walls by hammering in a few extra nails, sanded them down and then applied a couple coats of paint. Followed with some roof shingles. I invested in metal rings to protect the entry holes from Squirrels chewing them open. At $4 a piece, it will add up if I want to do this with every nest box in this style. The good thing is the rings can easily be removed and used on another box if I ever change them.

I also noticed the inside wall, below the entry hole, was smooth. It is recommended to carve in some grooves or as I did here, make small shallow holes with a drill. This will give the young birds an easier time of climbing out when it is time they fledged. Be careful not to drill through the wall, they do not need extra ventilation, especially if we have a cold wet spring.

This morning I set these boxes up in The Forgotten Land, as I noted last summer that a couple would need replacing. It was a mild morning and the city maintained the short path in the area I call "West Hill" so no threat of slipping on ice.

I noticed that the community clean up done here last year missed one of the piles of old dilapidated nest boxes I left when taking so many down.

I checked the other boxes still standing in the area and they look good for another season. All are empty. No mice tried to use them as winter homes.

I'd like to replace these 3 boxes at some point. Remember I am trying very hard to keep this "on the cheap" since this is public property. Also the organization is still a mysterious and frustrating group lingering in the shadows. I have no idea if they will ever step in here again, and what they might do.

The Forgotten Land is separated by a main road. Across from West Hill is an area I call East Ravine. One box stands which is like a memorial to me of that Bluebird nest. You may recall that only 2 of the 5 eggs hatched. Just days before fledge, the female was killed and picked clean by some predator. That the male was an amazing father figure and he continued on with his two young until they fledged.

I did not get over to East Ravine today, but I will soon. I aim to set up 2 boxes there as soon as the ground starts to thaw. I have a couple old boxes in my shed that should do for one or two more nesting seasons. All I need is a couple t-bars which I hope to "borrow" from some where or find someone with a couple spares they'd be willing to donate. Stay tuned for all of this.

I really am itching for this season to get going. I have a good feeling about 2019.